Hey guys! This is a blog about my experience in Indonesia. I am not sure how often I will be able to update it, but I'd like to keep you all informed. I'll be teaching in North Jakarta (Kelapa Gading area) for the school year of 2007-2008 (August '07 - June '08). I will be teaching Pre-K and Kindergarten at North Jakarta International School.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Leaving Tacoma

Well Guys,

I am setting up my blog. I haven't left yet. I am still in Tacoma. I leave in 8 hours. I have mixed emotions, but everything has not sank in.

I want to thank all of you for coming to my goodbye party last night. I was so deeply encouraged and so grateful for all the love and support that I received. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. You all will be in my prayers and I will be keeping in touch consistently.

I want you all to know I will not be updating my blog for a while, because I will not have a computer right when I get to Jakarta. I am purchasing a laptop when I get there, through the school. But I will make sure to be consistent in my entries.

I love you all and will miss you greatly!

Your deeply humbled friend,