Hey guys! This is a blog about my experience in Indonesia. I am not sure how often I will be able to update it, but I'd like to keep you all informed. I'll be teaching in North Jakarta (Kelapa Gading area) for the school year of 2007-2008 (August '07 - June '08). I will be teaching Pre-K and Kindergarten at North Jakarta International School.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jogja Pictures

I learned so much about the culture here from this trip to Jogja. I learned a lot about Hindu people and Buddhists. There are two major temples here in Jogja, one Hindu and one Buddhist. The ironic thing is the city is mostly made up of Muslim people, not Hindu or Buddhists. After the natural disasters in 1996 most Hindu and Buddhists moved out of the city and spread out. You can read more about my adventures here in Jogja below.

I rode around in a "baci." This is a three wheel bicycle. With someone peddling the bike.

This is the Ramayana Ballet that I went to see. I had a traditional Javanese dinner and watched the traditional ballet.

This is the grounds of the area where the dinner and ballet took place.

This is the Prambanan Temple. The Prambanan Temple is a Hindu temple. Hindu and Buddhists have different looking Buddhas. The earthquake in 2006 made this temple unsafe to walk inside it. So I just got to see the outside. But it was still phenomenal.

Prambanan Temple.

Prambanan Temple.

I was able to watch how silver what made. This man is polishing the piece of silver, with the brown little ball and the toothbrush. The brown ball is some kind og fruit that makes the silver extremely shiny.

This woman is doing some fine finigrie work with silver. She is adding all the little details to ever piece of silver made. I have a new found appreciation for this type of work. It is extremely time-consuming to make.

This is the Mendut Temple. An idol of Budbha is kept here.

This is a picture of a carving on the Mendute Temple. It is of a woman who used to eat children. But then Buddha did something to her and now she is the mother gaurdian of all children.

This is me and the idol of Buddha.

This is the Borobudur Temple. The Borodudur temple was one of the "Seven Wonders" of the world in 2006. It is the Buddhist Temple.

You may wonder what I am doing. Well, I am reaching into a tower in the Borodudur Temple to touch Buddha's foot.

You may be wondering why I would want to touch his foot. If anyone can touch the sole of his foot then they will have many riches in life. So of corse I had to try! Ha!

This is me with some local Indonesians. I was bombarded by locals thinking I was a movie star and wanting pictures with me. After this I never would want to live the life of a movie star. They can never get away from the crowds!

Part of the Borobudur Temple.

Part of the Borobudur Temple.

This is Mya. She is Buddha's wife.

This is a carving in the temple of the elephant that impregnated Buddha's wife.

These are many carvings of Buddah. The carving of him with his hands in his lap means that he is a giving god. The carving of him with his hand up means he is afraid of nothing. Buddha has many different positions that mean different things.

There are good and bad phases of life. These carvings are of the bad phases of life. And these people are doing bad things, like gossiping to one another. I got pulled into the sin, if you can not tell from the picture. :)