Hey guys! This is a blog about my experience in Indonesia. I am not sure how often I will be able to update it, but I'd like to keep you all informed. I'll be teaching in North Jakarta (Kelapa Gading area) for the school year of 2007-2008 (August '07 - June '08). I will be teaching Pre-K and Kindergarten at North Jakarta International School.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Crazy Men In Jakarta!

I had to write about this in my Blog. No man is the same, and I know that, but I have to tell you a stroy about one crazy man I found here in Jakarta...

I went to the mall with my co-worker the other day. She needed to stop at the restroom. So I sat outside of the restroom on a bench. People were going in and out of the mens and womens restroom. While I was sitting and waiting an Indonesian man pushing a stroller with a baby (maybe 6 months old) came by. The man looked at me, smiled, didn't say a word to me in English or Bahasa and then parked the stroller right next to me and went into the men's restroom. As I was stunned that he left his baby with a complete stranger (me) the baby started to cry. I tried to calm the baby down, and then the man came back out, smiled at me then pushed the stroller away.

Now, I know that Indonesia is a different country and has a different culture, but I also know that no matter what country you are in you should never leave your baby with a complete stranger! YIKES!

Don't worry, I asked my friends if that was normal, and they said, absolutely not! So, I think I just happen to attract the cazies in whatever country I'm in! HA!