Hey guys! This is a blog about my experience in Indonesia. I am not sure how often I will be able to update it, but I'd like to keep you all informed. I'll be teaching in North Jakarta (Kelapa Gading area) for the school year of 2007-2008 (August '07 - June '08). I will be teaching Pre-K and Kindergarten at North Jakarta International School.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Taman Mini

And then my sister came to Jakarta...

We had so much fun! My friends were so great! They had a whole itinerary for us while she was here. I had to work some of the time, and my friends even took care of my sister during my work time! They are fabulous!

The big event we took Jen (my sister) to was Taman Mini and Bogor...

Taman Mini is sort of like a huge fair. Its a place that represents every island of the country. There are almost 3,000 islands in Indonesia and every one has its own culture and often times its own language. We walked around and visited so many different islands and cultures... if you don't have time to visit every place in Indonesia, Taman Mini gives you a good idea of the different cultures and things on the islands. It was great!

This is a mini-model in a pond at Taman Mini of the Indonesian Islands.

Jen and I on the Komodo Dragon.

Eating lunch at Taman Mini.

Mantju with the people of her Island (Batam).

My sister and I had a great time learning about Indonesia!