Hey guys! This is a blog about my experience in Indonesia. I am not sure how often I will be able to update it, but I'd like to keep you all informed. I'll be teaching in North Jakarta (Kelapa Gading area) for the school year of 2007-2008 (August '07 - June '08). I will be teaching Pre-K and Kindergarten at North Jakarta International School.

Monday, March 31, 2008

The People of the City

I love people-watching. It is fasinating to watch the lives of the locals. Here are some pictures I have to give you just a tad-bit of what I witness every day.

Making a type of iced-fruit drink.

A little girl waiting for her drink.

Selling packets of cigars and cigarettes.

People still manage to find love in this crazy city!

Sometimes I feel like this little kitty must feel in this gigantic city!


These carts are on the side of the road everywhere! They sell all sorts of food from the carts. This one is selling Bakso... a type of meatball soup.

Mantju and I in Kota.

Sisil and I in Kota.

Old Town Kota.

Me standing between two old bars.

An old castle-building.

An old castle-building.

Wedding photos... people come take engagement and wedding photos in Old-Town Kota all the time.

Crossing over the canal.

Streets of Jakarta

A famous old hotel.





The Streets of Jakarta.

Some guys playing soccer in the streets of Jakarta.

A famous restaurant in the Old Town of Jakarta.

A wishing well in the restaurant. Don't ask me why it is in the restaurant.

Look At That Fish!

So these are the kinds of things you see as you drive down the streets of Jakarta! People carrying gigantic "shark fish" on the back of their motor bikes! This guy had caught multiple ones and was selling them near my school! Crazy, huh! And to think he was carrying more then one of these on his motor bike! I had to laugh!

More Karaoke Celebrations!

We go Karaoke for every birthday and every celebration we can think of! Its so great! I love it! We have the most fun!

Maya's Birthday!

At birthday parties the typical routie is: birthday girl or boy buys everyone dinner, then we buy her a cake and she makes three wishes, only she announces her three wishes to everyone, then blows out the candels, and after that of course, karaoke!

Singing all together!

Angel, Mantju, and me.

Ria and Maya posing for the camera.

Ria and Angel singing their hearts out!

Central Jakarta, Plaza Indonesia

Having Fun Down Town!

Being a tourist at the Plaza Indonesia Mall in Central Jakarta!

Angel and I conversing as we wait for a taxi in Central Jakarta.

Mantju and I next to the water fountain at Plaza Indonesia!

The Premiere Theater

Wow! So relaxing! I'm surprsied I didn't fall asleep during the movie!

Mantju and I enjoying the movie!

Angel and I at the movies!

WOW! This place is awesome! In the center of Jakarta at a gigantic fancy mall called, "Plaza Indonesia" is the best movie theater I've ever been to. This theater is expensive compared to the other theaters in Jakarta. However it costs the same amount as a theater in the states. It costs 100,000Rp = 10 US dollars. I'm sure you are wondering what is so cool about this theater? Well, first of all every seat in the theater is a lazy-boy arm chair. The seat reclines with a foot rest. You are given a blanket to use if you'd like... which is the smartest idea they ever thought of because I'm always cold in theaters. And... the best part is, they wait on you. They will take orders for food and drinks and then serve it to you as you are watching the movie! I felt so rich in this place!

The Metro Mini

The Metro Mini is one of the public transportations in Jakarta. There's many different kinds of transportation:
1. Mikrolet / Ankot
2. Metro Mini
3. Bajaj
4. Taxi
5. Busway
The Metro Mini is a bus that is bigger then the mikrolet but smaller then the busway. Its an interesting experience going on the Metro Mini. People jump on while it is still moving, and people jump off while it is still moving. However it does also make official stops. Some locals hop on the bus and play music for those who are riding the bus, of course this is to make some money. But it is quite entertaining. This is the closest that public transportaion has ever gotten to a rollar coaster ride. It is so bumpy and rough! Its not a pleasant ride, but its cheap and gets you where you need to go. My local friend won't let me take this by myself, because its sort of dangerous, many people get robbed and harassed on this bus. So I stay away from it, because I'm an easy target since I'm a bule.

Cilin Cing Beach

Walking on the becah of Cilin Cing.

This is what parts of the water look like at the beach.

This is what the young kids do if they are too young to help with the family business.

This is what the people do... look for any sort of sea-food animal they can sell at the market.

Part of the boating village.

The horribly disgusting dirty beach in Cilin Cing.

Cilin Cing is the area that I teach English in. This is a very very poor part of the city. It is a fisherman town, and so it is near the water. I haven't been brave enough to take pictures of the villagers just yet. Next time I go, I think I'll ask them if I can take pictures of their village and the people. But so far all I have to show you is the beach. However, I think the beach will shock most of you.